Durham Music Youth Orchestra is a fantastic opportunity to play in a high-level musical group and is open to string players of Grade 5 standard and above and to wind/brass players of Grade 6 and above. We are also looking for percussionists who can read orchestral percussion parts.  
We have a very exciting new year ahead of us with Durham Music Youth Orchestra and I hope you will all be able to join us?  

The orchestra will meet on Saturday mornings fortnightly 9.30 -12.30 at Framwellgate School Durham.

Rehearsal dates for Autumn Term are: 28/09, 12/10, 19/10, 09/11, 23/11, 07/12

The first part of the rehearsal will be strings only 9:30-11:30 and the 2nd half will be full orchestra. This will allow for players who already play in Durham Music County Wind Band to play in both groups. 

9.30 am - 12.30 pm.

Durham Music is delighted to subsidise DMYO so participation is FREE for all musicians.  

N.B. You only need to sign up once per academic year for music groups, not every session

Durham Music Service Image and Video Consent  2024 - 25 | Durham Music Trust

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DMS Youth Orchestra

DMS Youth Orchestra

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